Thursday, May 31, 2007

Seconds, anyone?

As if I don't have enough on my plate already... and I'm having a hard enough time getting this thing called a blog up on the internet for the world to see...
I am now officially official (at least to me) as a Cal Poly Dolly. Blech.

I'm not one for socializing in the first place. Let alone with the "I-have-my-daddy's-credit-card-so-I-can-do-anything-I-ignorantly-flail-at-the-general-public-and-get-away-with-it" mentality. Watching them drive around in shiny cars while mine has two noteworthy dents collectively the size of Pittsburgh is enough. Now I have to deal with those people?!

However, being a re-entry student as it were definitely has its perks. Getting extra kudos from the society at large is one of them. Being able to juggle maintaining a home, being of service to the community, and raising a family is another. It's a skill I didn't possess---or rather, didn't try to hone --- ten-plus years ago.

So, we'll see how it goes. Welcome to my life as a Cal Poly Dolly!

DISCLAIMER: Any material posted on this blog is for educational and recreational purposes only. Any attempt to hold me to anything posted on this site is null and void upon utterance. ;-)

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