Thursday, June 19, 2008

Grades, schmades...

Okay, so I didn't get any "F's" this quarter, but once again I am disappointed in my grades (and the "worst" one was a B-plus!!! The rest of this post makes me sound like I'm not even showing up...) I think it's just the culmination of frustrating factors throughout the quarter that's gotten me down so much:

1) Taking a 3-unit class with a workload of at least 4-units (a Research Methods class, to be precise)

2) Not being able to get on the Dean's List for the FOURTH quarter in a row because I had a one-unit C/NC class (to round out the aforementioned 3-unit winner). This continues to be a frustration for me because I am either taking a 1-unit class to fulfill finanacial aid obligations because the class I need/that is available (often these two do not coincide easily) is a 3-unit class like I just mentioned.

3) Busting my heiny all quarter long -- in general.

4) Taking 4 classes (one of which does not apply toward my degree) and getting the worst grade in that particular class -- THIS IS THE WORST BUMMER OF ALL.

My goal had been (and I will continue to strive for this anyways) to raise my GPA throughout the time I spend at Cal Poly. I have succeeded thus far. Until that last class. And, I put forth all my best effort I possibly to squeeze out this quarter. So, I need to be happy for myself and all the hard work I put in. But, for now I shall settle for emailing the professor and finding out what kind of grading technique he used and why he and I agreed I performed at a higher quality level this time around in his advanced version of the course but failed to get a higher grade.

That being said, I AM SO GLAD IT'S FINALLY OVER!!!


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Humor in finest form...

Just a quickie -- I thought this was really funny:

"When you get a BS you think you know everything. When you get your MS you realize you know nothing. When you get your PhD you still realize you know nothing but it is ok because now you know no one else does either."

I found it on a Student Doctor message board. I don't think it's original, so hopefully I don't have to worry about copyright infringement.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Parenthesis Overload

quotient (def)- "the ratio of two quantities to be divided"
a.) proportion - the quotient obtained when the magnitude of a part is divided by the magnitude of the whole

As much as it gives me an ego-trip (wait, where'd she go???.....) to know I scored 132 on an online IQ site (and trust me, I could use the ego-boost sometimes!), I wonder if the whole premise of the thing (not doing in-depth research, and all) is that the test compares one person's intelligence to another's (this is measured by questions such as: "If you were given the letters 'G-F-N-E-A-L' and asked to rearrange them, would you come up with the name of an
: A) cat B) building C) city D) store ). Of course, for copyright purposes, I modified the question, but you get my drift.

I wonder (and I REALLY wonder -- so much, in fact, I went and looked up "Mensa" at the local library and picked up a book on their kind of brain teasers since I received an on-the-cusp of a Mensa-qualifying score on the particular test I took) how qualified this type of testing really is for measuring intelligence because it certainly doesn't measure common sense (in my opinion, common sense is choosing to do the appropriate thing for the situation at hand regardless of the level of pre-existing intelligence) and I have proven this. Who came up with this test, anyways? If you know, I'd be more than happy to let you do the research because I'm too busy avoiding my it-took-me-all-quarter-long-to-write-this-research-paper paper that's due in three days to do it myself. Go figure (refer to previous posts to see this pattern of avoidance in full effect! Go on, I dare ya'!)

But, for now, I shall continue my love affair with (parenthesis) and continue on my merry, having a 132-IQ-that's-readily-accepted-by-most-Americans-as-making-me-smart, score and smile all the way to my flash drive which holds the file necessary to determine this student's decision on "Will She or Won't She: The Student's Avoidance Procedure of Research Papers".

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