Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I neglected to finetune my brain during midterms, and forgot that my Biopsychology instructor has a thread on her blog that links to mine, therefore giving ample opportunity for everyone in that class (including Ms. Freberg -- sorry!!!) to view my admission of my not-so-stellar studying techniques.

To be perfectly honest, I actually wrote down a list of all the things (that require my time, appointment-making/attending skills, or attention) and the LIST (mind you, it was a list, not an essay on the list itself) and it took up an entire page!!!

So, I'd say I have a lot going on, wouldn't you? To top it off, this is a post-midterm state I'm in. Pray for me -- I sure could use it!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The power of prayer -- and of studying like a crazy woman

So, I didn't really study as well as I could have for my second Biopsychology midterm. HOWEVER, I solicited prayers from everyone I thought God would listen to (he he) including my child, who's under ten....

And studied like no one's ever seen me study before -- okay, that's not entirely true. I study like that whenever I'm in a panic. And it worked. I got an 89% which is pretty good considering it covered everything from neurotransmitters to the sexual disorders and how they come about (XY genotype, XYY genotype, Kleinfelter's syndrome, Androgen-Insensitivity, etc.).

So, I guess you could say, for the first time in a looooooooong time, I'm pretty happy with a B.
Yay me!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Check out the survey....

In my mode of "avoid avoid avoid studying for my midterm" I have added a somewhat-interesting survey to the bottom of my page. Hope you enjoy it! Gotta (actually) study -- again -- now!

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