Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Addicted to Facebook?

  • CNN has an article online (click the blog title to check it out) on Facebook addiction and the signs to look for if you're a proponent of staying on the computer way past your bedtime and ignoring things like *life* to check in on the computer.

Facebook users are even posting links to satires of the Facebook phenomenon, underscoring its salience in today's technology. Check this one out:  "Failbook"
It shows the possible (and probable) banter that occurs daily on the hit url.

Pretty interesting how we have laymen who understand the psychology behind how and why people post the things they do online for the world to see, mindless as they are, and then can't seem to untangle themselves from the keyboard long enough to grab another cup of coffee. See, this is me doing that same thing right now. Perhaps I'm addicted.

But before we go that far let's peruse a few of the "warning signs" CNN believes either supports my argument that I'm a Facebook-freak, or shoots it down altogether:
  • Pile's "Facebook Compulsion Inventory" is a psychological test-of-sorts that shows whether or not your interest in Facebook is minor, or social life threatening: Pile's Facebook Compulsion Inventory --The test includes items such as the following:
    1. "I have more in common with the people I chat with on Facebook than I have with my spouse or partner."
    2. "Sometimes I lose sleep because of the time I spend on Facebook."
    3. "I feel excited and energized when I access my Facebook page."
    4. "I feel that others would think less of me if they could see my private messages on Facebook."
There's several other criteria that tend to point to Facebook addiction, but I think you get the idea. Take the test. That is, if you're not too busy on Facebook.

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