Friday, July 6, 2007


As if I don't feel enough like an experiment in my daily life, I'm sitting here in the public library (sans home internet connection, which I am very sad about -- well, okay, I'm permanently pouting over it) producing another entry for this blog as I sit with 3 other windows up on the computer.

I'm in the process of trying-really-hard-to-not-try-too-hard to do my extra credit assignment for my "Culinary Science" class (at least that's my newfound nickname for it.) The instructor wants us to look up what "conching and tempering" of chocolate mean. Hey, at least it's mildly interesting, since it focuses on one of my major obsessions: sweets.

On another note: I just spoke with a woman whom I shall call "S," who was a former Cal Poly Student, Graduate Student, and is in the throes of trying-real-hard-to-figure-out-how-to-write-a-thesis-and-have-a-life.

S. and I share one thing in common: domestic responsibilities. Having been a re-entry student and acclimating myself to the fact that I obviously don't look like a re-entry student (e.g. no one glances at me twice on campus even though I exceeded the normal undergraduate age about seven years ago), I am now pursuing the arduous task of figuring out how to balance a FULL home life with a student schedule. I realize that I am not the average Poly student. I know this (hence, the reason for this blog.) However, as was pointed out to me by S., it is within the realm of reason to assume no one -- outside of my immediate circle of friends and acquaintances-- cares. Not that they should. I'm sure at this hour, most of my classmates are busy figuring out which color and style of shirt will show the least amount of beer stains from the kegger patrol they plan on appointing themselves to for the evening.

Ha -- NOW I feel better -- poking fun at the true Poly Dollies always fixes me just fine.

So, boys and girls, can you spell i.g.n.o.r.a.c.e.i.s.b.l.i.s.s.????

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