Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Finals? And I'm not even homicidal!

Ha-ha, to all you college students who KNOW what I'm talking about... it's Finals week. The week where everything seems to have text written on it and no one seems to be saying anything worthwhile unless they're speaking in the vocabulary of the class I'm preparing to take a Final in.

Thanks to wise class choices given me at the beginning of the quarter, I ended up with 3 classes for a total of 10 units. However, my English class required a Final Portfolio in lieu of taking a Final during Finals week (yes, I'm trying to see how many times I can squeeze the word "Final" into this post) and another one of my classes didn't even have a Final. So, for all you math majors and (out there in the "real world"-- accountants,) that only leaves me with one Final to take! Yay me!

So, given that I already have over 100% in that class -- Biopsychology -- which I am extremely proud of I might add, I am using my procrastination skills to my advantage and blogging on my own site rather than to review the material at this point. But, this being Tuesday and the Final being on Friday, I've got plenty of time, right? All you procrastinators are snickering right now. Thanks for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Nichol....congrats on your A in biopsych! See--all that hard work paid off!

    Keep up the good blogging work!

    --Laura F.


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