Wednesday, December 12, 2007

No blood, NO FOUL!!!

Can't say I exactly went through finals week with a box-full of enthusiasm and a lack of stress (I was so stressed, it was coming out my earballs, yes earballs.)

I am, however, happy to say that I got credit for one credit/no credit course and an A in BIOPSYCHOLOGY!!! My English grade has yet to be determined (the poetry writing class) but I'll keep everyone updated. If I get an A in that course, I'll continue my 4.0 Cal Poly GPA. Yay God, and yay me!

To all of you who have asked how I was doing and dealt with the sideways "I'm stressed" glances and responses: I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is people like you and my Biopsych Professor Laura Freberg (who was the Anonymous comment on the last post) who keep me going. I am blessed...

1 comment:

  1. Hey there P.Dolly-
    I like your blog. I'm an "older" returning student too so I can relate. I just finished finals and got a 4.0 in Human Anatomy and Physiology. The Biopsych course sounds cool, similar to A&P but with more focus. Just wanted to let you know you have two readers of yout blog now. Enjoy the holiday break.


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