Sunday, April 13, 2008

And it comes with an angry panda, too!!!

Isn't college awesome?!?!?!?!? After all of the wonderful culturally-exposing experiences I've had at Cal Poly so far, and now DreamWorks (creator of the "Bee Movie" among many others) is coming to campus to discuss media challenges. They even sent this poster as a media campaign to get students to attend their discussion.

I'm just in awe of all of the great things I've been exposed to so far at this campus. I just volunteered this weekend with my younger child at the local Children's Day, a city-wide event that actually started out as a Cal Poly Senior Project -- and since this is the 30th annual Children's Day, it's obviously a success!!! Although it was warm, I was able to expose my child to the idea of volunteer work and get to know some of my classmates as well. I even got to chat up one of the girls in one of my classes who is also a parent herself and we got to exchange the challenges of being both a student and a parent and the pull one feels from both of those roles on a daily basis.

All in all, a great weekend!!! Also, just a reminder to self: Just because I think I want to be at home and in bed doesn't mean I would enjoy myself more at home and in bed. After I actually got to the event, I was so happy I went! Not to mention the free t-shirt...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a great weekend! Mine was, well, eh. Taking care of an invalid husband, 'nuff said.

    BTW, I CAN'T WAIT to see the panda movie. I giggle every time the commercial comes on t.v. Maybe we can take the kids to go see it together when I'm out? My treat!


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