Thursday, February 9, 2012

My life or yours? A philosophical quest.

Ever wonder what it would be like to live someone else's life? Sure you have. I know I have.

The problem with living someone else's life is that we still take us with us -- wherever we go -- even into someone else's life. (Otherwise, we wouldn't know we were in someone else's life in the first place). So, instead of having the life we do (or don't) know how to deal with -- but are at least used to -- we have a whole set of circumstances that are new to us, a whole new group of people to call family and friends, and yet the same old 'me.'

Forgive me for the philosophical rant, but I'm on a quest to be grateful for my life... ALL the time. I'd rather get used to, and learn to like -- heck, love -- my own life. I seem to be doing pretty well in this life so far. It has it's challenges, but the one thing I think it's important to note is that no one else can be me -- I am the best person for my job. Be you -- and be you well.

1 comment:

  1. The article was removed at some point in time. Boo.


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