Friday, March 21, 2008

And I'm 3 and "o" after the 3rd...

Nice to know I'm capable of carrying a full course load and not going postal or clinically insane! In other words, to reference the above blog title, I have SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED MY 3RD QUARTER AT CAL POLY!!!!!

Thank you... I can hear you all cheering me on now.... thank you for your support (like how I have a fictional relationship with my non-existent audience? Leads one to assume differently on the aforementioned "insane" comment, eh?)

I am a winner!!! No, really. Not only have I been doing well in school, but somebody (actually, some people) think I'm special and that I should get an award for it. SWEET! I am really blessed today. God gifted me with my brain, so I gotta give Him a LOT of the credit. My blood, sweat and tears ain't lookin' so shabby either!

Now, if I could just figure out this "home repair" business... I've been breaking entirely too many things that I don't know how to fix! My furniture is taking the brunt of my yoga-and-push-ups-sculpted brawn and I just broke my coffee table day before yesterday. Wow, better lay off them steroids. Seriously, though, I'm almost convinced a man's brain is far more home-repair inclined than a woman's. Prove me wrong. Please. Then come over to my house, ladies, and fix my coffee table. Yeah. That's it!

Now I gotta figure out what to do with all my free time.... hee hee

1 comment:

  1. I'm out here. I check in occasionally to see if you've added anything new.
    I just finished finals and got a 3.7 in A&P. A stinkin' A- ! I used to accept nothing less than perfect 4.0's but have to admit (after much time convincing myself) this was a tough semester and I did the best I could. Now I have to wait a couple months to see if I get accepted into the Radiology Tech program I applied to.
    I could help you fix your furniture, but I'm a good 1,000 miles away from CA, sorry.
    Have a relaxing semester break. Take care,
    Your anon reader


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