Monday, March 24, 2008

Life after school...

I guess my fictional audience isn't so "fictional" after all! Thanks to "anon reader" for checking in. It's nice to know I have company in going to school.

I have a WHOLE WEEK off -- which sounds like more than it is when you're in finals week and need a break. Now that it's already after 11am on Monday, it seems like I have too much to do and no time to get it done in. Think I'll work on giving myself a break real quick.

Oh yeah! HAPPY EASTER!!!


  1. Did you have a good week off school? I hope you got some of the things done that you had on your to-do list. What classes are you taking now?
    My week off school meant being able to go to in to work full-time. LOL! Still I prefer working to going to school, so it was a week off in it's own way.

    take care

  2. Congrats on your terrific success in the Soroptimist scholarship contest! I'm so very proud of you! Way to go!

    --Laura F.


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