Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ahhh, the sweet smell of nostalgia.

I found this post in my "drafts bucket" - it's from 2007, obviously when I first started undergraduate, with two kids, a disability (or an A-bility, depending on how you look at it), and apparently a lot of angst. Enjoy!

As if I don't have enough on my plate already... I just made it officially official (at least to me anyways)...I am now a bonafide Cal Poly Dolly. Blech.

Being a re-entry student has its perks (more kudos from the general population, for one, on getting up off my behind and doing something with my life) but it's kinda difficult to be lumped in with a "my-daddy-has-a-credit-card-so-I-can-pay-my-way-out-of-any-trouble-I-ignorantly-throw-society's-way" mentality that seems to encompass so many females at a certain college that shall remain nameless ;-)

However, I would like to take this time to expose myself to the elements of this cross-section of the intellectual set, as it were, and share my experiences with you since I plan on being there for at least two more years. Or more. Depends on how much money my sugar daddy plans on putting onto my credit card. Just kidding.

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