Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fourth of July Festivities

This post was written on July 4th...really!
So, being that it's my day off (in the middle of the week,no less), I chose to check my email like any other day. Lo and behold, there was an email from Jamba Juice saying "Happy 4th"! Now, don't get me wrong - I love Jamba Juice. They got me through (calorically speaking) many a Sunday afternoon shopping trip.
But, to send an email to a subscriber - who subcribed specifically for the purpose of getting coupons - and to not attach a coupon of some sort to the email is just silly. Not to say I'm anti-celebratory, especially where our great country's independence is concerned. I just like freebies and think the reason for being on a company's mailing list is for a reason such as that.
Given all of this, I'd like to wish all of you a Happy 4th of July! The fireworks display here locally was spectacular and I got to spend it with people very near and dear to my heart. Enjoy the irony of my entry.

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